Signs you might have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is one of, if not THE, most common hormone imbalance experienced by women. It’s estimated that 1 in 15 women in the US have PCOS and 10 million women worldwide, although many women aren’t diagnosed until their 20s or 30s when they experience infertility.

Knowing the signs of PCOS is so important since so many of these might be considered “normal,” or we might not even associate with our hormone at all. Signs and symptoms include:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles = typically infrequent, long (35 days+) or absent periods;

  • High androgens, leading to symptoms such as excessive hair growth on face, chest, back and abdomen; thinning hair; male-pattern baldness; and skin issues, such as acne or oily skin, or a skin condition that results in dark patches around neck, armpits, and groin;

  • Weight gain, particularly in abdominal area;

  • Insulin resistance and difficulty managing blood sugar;

  • Polycystic ovaries (although this is not a requirement for PCOS and many women with PCOS do not have cysts);

  • Fertility issues because of lack of ovulation or irregular ovulation.

Understanding the ROOT CAUSE of your PCOS is key to a successful treatment protocol. Possible root causes include:

  • High stress lifestyle;

  • Adrenal imbalance;

  • Faulty pituitary signalling;

  • Insulin resistance;

  • Underlying inflammation;

  • Nutrient deficiencies;

  • High androgens;

  • Birth control use;

  • Environmental toxins; and

  • Genetic factors may also contribute.

Whether you have a diagnosis from your doctor or not, if you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s likely a sign that something is out of balance.

My approach to healing PCOS symptoms includes:

  • Balancing blood sugar;

  • Lowering inflammation;

  • Addressing adrenal and cortisol issues;

  • Decreasing androgens.

These foundational steps are key to regulating your cycle, getting ovulation back on track, balancing estrogen and progesterone, and improving symptoms.

If you suspect you have PCOS, the best next step is to schedule a discovery call with me so we can discuss your symptoms, options for testing, and my 1:1 hormone health coaching programs, which are individually designed to help you heal from persistent issues.


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